Tim Ikels - Creator, Publisher, Marketer

VS Code For Writers (Writing, Creating)

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Okay, hear me out. I know Visual Studio Code is for programmers, right? But the thing is, it’s just a text editor at its core. And a damn powerful one at that.

Turns out, this “coder’s tool” can be a surprising secret weapon for any writer or creator.

Why Bother?

The Supercharged Toolkit

Extensions are where VS Code gets ridiculous (in a good way). Think of them as add-ons. You’ll find:

How to Get Started

  1. Make it Calm: Choose a no-nonsense theme. Nothing flashy to pull your eyes away from the words. Or stay with the default one, it’s great too.
  2. Shortcuts are King: Learn a handful to start with. Writing speed will double, I promise.
  3. Git is Your Safety Net: It sounds techy, but it’s worth figuring out. VS Code offers perfect Github integration.

Who’s This Good For?

It’s ideal for tech-minded writers of all sorts - bloggers, documentation masters, authors who like a bit of control and prefer simplicity.

If you want a tool that shapes itself to YOU, not the other way around, it’s worth exploring. Might need a tiny bit of tinkering up front, though.

Finally, you focus on what really matters: daily writing.

Give it a Shot

If the usual writing apps feel too restrictive, VS Code could be your ticket to creative freedom.

It’s focused, it’s powerful, and it just might change how you think about the whole writing process.

Stay awesome,

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