Tim Ikels - Creator, Publisher, Marketer

TrafficForMe Review: Is It Worth the Hype?

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TrafficForMe is a solo ad agency (founded by Harris Fellman) that promises to send a flood of targeted traffic your way. Like, a focused blast of potential customers straight to your website or landing page. Sounds great, right? Well, as with most things in life, there’s a catch… or several.

The Upside

The Not-So-Great

The Honest Truth

A lot of the reviews you’ll find online are from people trying to earn a commission - as an affiliate for TrafficForMe.

So, take those with a grain of salt. Dig for honest, no-nonsense experiences.

And remember, getting traffic is only the first step. You gotta be ready to make the most of it.

Building Something Real

Instead of chasing shortcuts, what about building something that lasts? Shortcuts are tempting, but they rarely take you where you want to go permanently.

Focus on developing those core skills - the stuff that makes you valuable. Maybe it’s learning to write copy that grabs attention and gets people excited.

Or understanding how to build a genuine connection with your audience.

Whatever it is, these are the building blocks of a business you can be proud of.

What Else Is Out There?

There are ways to build a business that don’t rely on dumping money into mystery sources and paid ads.

Maybe it’s time to explore things like building real relationships with potential customers or focusing on creating stuff that people genuinely need.

Bottom Line

TrafficForMe could be a traffic source in your arsenal, but don’t put all your eggs in this basket. It’s not cheap, requires know-how, the traffic quality does vary a lot, and works best in specific situations.

If you’re seeking a simpler path to building your business, there are probably better options for your time and money.

Stay awesome,

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