Tim Ikels - Creator, Publisher, Marketer

The Lead Generation Handbook By Bob Bly

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Welcome to my book notes on “The Lead Generation Handbook” by the author Robert W. Bly, better known as Bob Bly.

Let’s dive in.


Key Concepts / Ideas / Notes

Many businesses today struggle because they have difficulty with the one process that can virtually assure them all the sales they can handle: lead generation.

The companies that can generate

a large volume of qualified leads, whenever needed, will be overwhelmed with inquiries, appointments, business, sales, and new customers, with minimal expenditures of time and money.

They will never have to fret about finicky customers, competition for new business, bad economic times, rejection, or up-and-down business cycles.

When you have more leads than you can handle, your revenues stay high, without the up-and-down fluctuations that keep other businesspeople up nights.

Sure, referrals and word of mouth are the best advertising.

But what happens when they don’t produce enough business to fill up your schedule?

Master Lead Generation & Prosper

The Lead Generation Handbook is written to help you master simple, proven techniques that can bring you all the leads you want, when you want them.

These lead-generating techniques range from sales letters and postcards to product publicity and telemarketing to magazine ads and the Internet.

Few skills can make as dramatic an impact on your business and personal success as being able to generate large volumes of high-quality sales leads at will.
- Robert W. Bly

Lead generation is a measurable, tangible result of promotion that almost every businessperson understands and appreciates.

The main purpose of generating sales leads is to identify the best prospects for your product or service.

Related to this primary purpose is the secondary objective of building a database of prospects.

People who have already responded to your promotion represent the best quality prospects for such databases.

Example Of A Lead Generation Focused Company And Process

An example of a company that knows the value of leads, and successfully generates and works them, is The Hair Club for Men, a nationwide chain of hair replacement centers.

The Hair Club is a classic lead-generating marketing operation.

Television and radio commercials generate sales leads from men concerned about thinning hair.

The leads are sent literature; an appointment with a hair specialist is made.

If the prospect is a good candidate for The Hair Club process, a salesperson tries to close the sale at that appointment.

The Lead Generation Mind-Set

I assume you want to generate a large volume of high-quality leads that will increase your sales without wasting your salespeople’s time.

My objective is to show you how to do it swiftly, successfully, and cost-effectively.

A successful lead-generating program begins with a consensus that

  1. leads are important,
  2. you want to generate more and better leads, and
  3. getting leads is at least as important as if not more important than the more nebulous communications goals of company image, brand preference, or product awareness.

Lead generation can be severely compromised when companies place image, style, graphic image standards, or other self-imposed restrictions on their communications that interfere with the primary goal of getting more business.

Marketers with the lead-generating mind-set know they have to do the following things in their communications to get large volumes of quality leads resulting in sales:

Offers That Increase Response Rates

An offer is what your prospects get when they respond to your ad or mailing, combined with what they have to do to get it.

A typical offer might be, “Call us toll-free for a free booklet on adjustable beds.”

The booklet is what prospects get.

Making the phone call is what they have to do to get it.

The offer is a critical factor in any lead-generating piece or campaign.

The strategic planning, selection, and testing of offers can make or break a campaign, regardless of how well designed or well written the piece is.

As a rule, the more valuable and risk-free the offer seems to the reader, the better your response.

Motivating Sequence

The motivating sequence is a proven, five-step formula for writing lead-generating copy.

It is particularly well suited to direct mail, especially sales letters.

Here are the five steps:

  1. Get attention.
  2. Identify the problem or need.
  3. Position your product or service as the solution or answer.
  4. Prove your case.
  5. Tell the reader what to do next.

Pre-Copywriting Checklist

Here’s a four-step checklist I use to get the information I need to write persuasive, fact-filled copy for my clients.

This checklist should be helpful to copywriters, account executives, and ad managers alike.

Before you write copy, study the product and its features, benefits, past performance, applications, and markets.

Digging for the facts will pay off because, in business-to-business advertising, specifics sell.

Closing Thoughts

This concludes my personal book notes on The Lead Generation Handbook by the author Robert W. Bly.

My notes only cover small parts of the book, so if you like what you read, please consider buying the book from the author.

Stay awesome,

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