Tim Ikels - Creator, Publisher, Marketer

Modern Wealthy Review: Buy or Skip?

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So, this guy named Stuart Ross has a program called Modern Wealthy. It’s about making money online, and this dude Adam seems to dig it.

The Gist

Modern Wealthy teaches affiliate marketing. That’s where you promote other people’s stuff and pocket a commission when someone buys. This program specifically focuses on building yourself up as the go-to expert so people trust your recommendations.

What’s The Deal?

It’s a “foot in the door” deal: $37 bucks get you started with an ebook and some videos. They even throw in a free coaching call, probably to try and upsell you into something pricier.

The Catch?

Heads up: there’s more stuff they’ll want to sell you later. Deeper training on how to build your whole marketing machine.

The Twist

Now, here’s the twist: you can turn around and sell the Modern Wealthy program as an affiliate yourself.

Welcome to the loop.


Overall, I think it’s legit, but I have to warn you about those extra costs down the line.

Plus: You don’t HAVE to be the “authority” to make money with this stuff.

This business is about getting those offers seen by the right people.

I heavily recommend building an email list - that way you own your audience and can reach them any time.

Stay awesome,

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