Tim Ikels - Creator, Publisher, Marketer

Simple Marketing Works

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Forget complex funnels and sleazy sales tactics.

Here’s how to market in a way that feels good and gets results:

How to market (simple & effective)

  1. Know your audience: Who are you trying to help? What do they struggle with?
  2. Offer real value: Solve a problem, teach a skill, provide something people want.
  3. Be consistent: Show up regularly. Build trust over time.
  4. Focus on one channel at a time: Don’t try to be everywhere at once. Master a platform (like email, blogging, or a specific social network) before adding another.
  5. Build relationships: Marketing is about connecting with real people, not just broadcasting your message.

It’s not about tricks. It’s about serving your audience.

Ready to get started?

Good marketing feels good

Focus on helping people, and the sales will follow.

Stay awesome,

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