Forget Perfection - Iterate
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The world loves a polished final product, but that’s not where the magic happens. The magic comes from the messy, repetitive work of iteration.
Iteration isn’t about a grand vision, it’s about:
Doing something NOW, then making it better.
- Fail, and fail fast. Don’t let those “what ifs” keep you stuck. The first attempt is usually wrong. The sooner you know that, the faster you can move on.
- Feedback is your fuel. Show your in-progress work to others. Thick skin here is key. Every honest critique brings you closer to something great.
- Ideas evolve. Don’t be afraid to ditch your original plan. The whole point of iteration is to make it BETTER.
Iteration changes everything.
The pressure to be perfect vanishes.
Suddenly, the process is fun!
Small improvements stack up to big success. You get tougher, able to handle anything.
Iteration isn’t just for your job. It’s for life!
- Relationships take work. Iterate on your communication. How to fight better? How to forgive? How to show love in new ways?
- Skills are built, not bestowed. Can’t draw? Good. Start drawing and track your progress. Every day counts.
- Even your mind is up for redesign. Bad thought patterns? Iterate. Notice them, test out better replacements. It takes time, but change is possible.
How to start iterating today:
- Pick ONE thing. Don’t get overwhelmed. One project. One skill.
- Do the smallest possible version. Forget about impressive. Get it done. (prototype)
- Show it to someone, get feedback. Be brave, put your ego in a box.
- Make it better. No dwelling. Use the feedback, make the next version.
- Rinse, repeat, forever. This isn’t a one-time fix. It’s your new way of living.
Your first steps will be wobbly. Perfect. Now take the next step. And the next.
That’s where the magic lives. THAT’s how you conquer the world.
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