Tim Ikels - Creator, Publisher, Marketer


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Linux gives you an insane amount of choice when it comes to how your desktop looks and works. After years of trying them all, I keep coming back to the GNOME desktop environment.


GNOME is for people who:

I’m not saying GNOME is perfect, or that it’s for everyone.

But its focus on the essentials has kept me coming back for years.

If that sounds good to you, why not try it out?

GNOME 46: The last tweaks before launch

They’re not adding flashy features, they’re fixing the cracks. Smoother logins, snappier performance, apps that actually launch when you click them - it’s the little stuff that matters.

Think of it like tuning your favorite instrument.

You don’t change the whole design, but each adjustment makes playing it just that bit sweeter.

GNOME 46 is about that steady, behind-the-scenes improvement that makes your workflow sing.

Stay awesome,

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