Tim Ikels - Creator, Publisher, Marketer

Book Marketing: Forget The Gimmicks, Do This Instead

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Trying to market your book with a bunch of “hacks” and tricks is a waste of time. Here’s what actually works:

1. Write a great book

Seems obvious, but too many authors rush to launch something that’s not ready. Get feedback, edit ruthlessly, and make it something people want to read.

2. Build your audience before you launch

Start a blog, email list, social media presence – whatever fits your style. Share your ideas, build trust, and get people excited about your book.

3. Focus on your ideal reader

Who needs this book? Where do they hang out online? That’s where you should be promoting it.

4. Make it easy to buy

Don’t force people to jump through hoops. Have a clear sales page, simple checkout, and offer multiple formats (ebook, paperback, etc.).

5. Don’t stop at launch

Marketing is an ongoing process. Keep promoting your book, offer discounts, and get creative to reach new readers.

It’s not about being everywhere. It’s about being in the right places, consistently.

Ready to get serious about marketing your book?

Focus on connecting with readers, and the sales will follow.

Stay awesome,

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