Tim Ikels - Creator, Publisher, Marketer

High-Value Back-End Offers: The Key To Sustainable Growth

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Selling a $20 ebook is great, but want to make real money?

Focus on building a high-value back-end offer.

Here’s how:

  1. Solve a BIG problem: Don’t just offer more info - help people achieve a major transformation.
  2. Know your audience: Who are the small percentage of customers ready to invest more to get better results?
  3. Build trust first: Your front-end offers should deliver great value. This makes them more likely to buy from you again.
  4. Offer personalized support: High-ticket usually means coaching, consulting, or some form of done-with-you (DWY) or done-for-you (DFY) service.
  5. Price it accordingly: This isn’t for bargain hunters. Charge what your solution is truly worth.


It’s not about being sleazy. It’s about offering more VALUE to those who want it.

Ready to create your high-ticket offer?

Focus on serving your best customers, and you’ll build a thriving business.

Stay awesome,

P.S. Questions or comments? Reply via email.

P.P.S. Want to start and grow an online business on YOUR terms?

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