Tim Ikels - Creator, Publisher, Marketer

The 40/40/20 Rule Of Direct Marketing

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The 40/40/20 rule of direct marketing is a simple yet powerful guide for successful direct marketing campaigns.

Created by marketing expert Ed Mayer, it’s all about focusing on three key things:

40 40 20 Direct Marketing Rule - by Ed Mayer

First, let’s talk about the audience. (the first 40%)

They’re the people who will get our (marketing) messages.

I can’t overstate the importance of picking the right audience.

We must choose people (aka “target audience”) who are most likely to respond and who are interested in what we’re offering.

We can do this by using certain demographic data, or targeting specific interests.

This helps us to reach the people who are most likely to respond to our campaigns.

Next up is our offer. (the second 40%)

Everyone loves a good deal, right?

So, let’s give our audience something they can’t resist. In other words: An irresistible offer.

This could be a discount, a freebie, or a special bonus. The higher the perceived value, the better.

We need to make sure that it’s something oour audience really wants.

Finally, the last 20% is where we get creative.

Here’s where we brainstorm ways to make our marketing campaign and messages stand out.

It’s tough in a world buzzing constantly with distractions, but having an amazing offer that people truly desire makes this last bit a breeze.

Stay awesome,

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